Boar with jellyfish by Dino Galvagno – the star of Medun Fest

This year’s Medun Fest is a joyful and healthy festival held for the third consecutive year. As its name suggests, it promotes forest medun – an exceptionally high-quality bee product characteristic of Gorski Kotar. Preserving the importance, value, and authenticity of medun, this pure gift of nature, is the primary goal of this three-day event. Along with numerous entertaining and educational activities, Medun Fest in Fužine also brings us excellent delicacies and special gastronomic surprises based on medun – healthy forest foods dedicated to these days. One of the dishes that is definitely worth mentioning is “Wild Boar with Medun,” according to the recipe of the renowned chef Dino Galvagno.

Uz brojna zabavna i edukativna događanja, Medun Fest u Fužinama donosi nam i neke izvrsne delicije i posebna gastro iznenađenja na bazi meduna – zdrave šumske namirnice kojoj su posvećeni ovi dani. Jedno od jela koje svakako vrijedi istaknuti je „Veprić s medunom“, po recepturi poznatog chefa Dina Galvagna.

A delicacy not to be missed – “Wild Boar with Medun” at the Bitoraj Hotel Restaurant

Guests of the Bitoraj restaurant can enjoy this premium specialty for the next two weeks, starting from Thursday, September 1st. We won’t reveal the secret recipe for preparing this delicious and healthy dish, but we can tell you that among other things, it includes parsnip, pepper, wine, lime, pine or spruce needles, and, of course, medun, whose sweet flavor complements perfectly with the other spices and the taste of wild boar.

The author of this unique dish is Dino Galvagno, one of the most important Croatian chefs. He was the first in Croatia to promote the modern mantra of cuisine: local, micro-seasonal, sustainable, and waste-free.

Similarly, the ingredients for “Wild Boar with Medun” are seasonal and strictly local, specifically from Gorski Kotar. Other delicious dishes from the Bitoraj Hotel Restaurant also follow these principles. Ingredients are sourced locally, and the dishes are prepared based on traditional recipes with a seasonal character. Game and forest fruits are the basic food groups used in these culinary creations.



Become part of this family tradition

The Kauzlarić family has been creating the story of the Bitoraj restaurant and hotel for decades, following the tradition of the first pension in Fužina, Neda, opened way back in 1933.

Nazovite hotel