Deer roar – a ‘song’ that attracts females, hunters and gourmets

The red deer’s rutting season is one of the most spectacular love rituals in nature. In the second half of September, males call out to females with their “song” while simultaneously warning “antlered rivals” that they are ready for a battle. This is the time when typically secretive animals can be experienced in their full power and strength. During this period, males may cover tens of kilometers, breaking branches and easily maneuvering through thickets to reach the desired female.

The red deer’s rutting call – the most beautiful hunting symphony

The red deer’s rutting call isn’t just a call to females and a warning to males; it’s also a signal to hunters to prepare for the most exciting hunting season of the year. That’s why it’s called the “most beautiful hunting symphony.” This is when the battle between the deer and the hunter becomes the most interesting. Instead of a “spy thriller” in which the hunter spends hours stalking and waiting for the deer, it turns into a real “action movie.”

Deer in the vicinity of Fužine. Foto: Marinko Kauzlarić

Hunters and wildlife enthusiasts alike appreciate the time of the red deer’s love call. This is the best moment to enjoy dishes made from this game. While the hunting season is in progress, the Bitoraj restaurant offers fresh red deer meat prepared in various recognizable ways daily. The popularity of red deer game specialties is due to the quality of the meat itself. The red deer is always on the move, which means the meat is practically fat-free. The grasses of Gorski Kotar that it feeds on give the meat a specific aroma. Finding authentic, natural, and healthy food like this is a rarity in today’s world of fast-paced animal husbandry.

Steak, stew, or roast

Gulaš od jelena sa kroketima, domaćim i lovačkim njokima

Red deer stew with croquettes, homemade and hunter’s dumplings

The Bitoraj restaurant prepares red deer steak with mushroom or cranberry sauce. Forest fruits emphasize the original flavor of the steak, giving it additional richness. As a side dish, you have a choice of croquettes or homemade dumplings. The red deer roast is prepared in a similar way, while the red deer stew offers a slightly different “taste temptation.” In addition to dumplings, gnocchi are also offered as a side dish, but it’s worth trying traditional hunter’s dumplings. Their rich flavor comes from bread, bacon, eggs, and spices, making them an unbeatable combination with game stew.



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The Kauzlarić family has been creating the story of the Bitoraj restaurant and hotel for decades, following the tradition of the first pension in Fužina, Neda, opened way back in 1933.

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