St. Antun Padovanski guards Fužine in the largest church in Gorski kotar

St. Anthony of Padua was a Portuguese priest who renounced his noble lineage and chose a humble life. He joined the Franciscan order and took the name Anthony. The adjective in the second part of his name is related to the place of his death. St. Anthony was born in Lisbon in 1195 and passed away 36 years later in Padua, Italy.

Miracle Worker and Adventurer

During his short yet eventful life, St. Anthony of Padua was known for two things. One was the numerous miracles he performed, which led to his sanctification just a year after his death. The other was the many journeys he undertook. It is said that there was no place in the world he didn’t visit. Who knows, perhaps in his wanderings, the holy man even visited the “Devil’s Garden,” i.e., Gorski Kotar.

Church of St. Anthony of Padua

Fužine was founded more than four centuries after the death of St. Anthony of Padua. Therefore, it can be said that the adventurous saint has watched over the Gorski Kotar town from its very beginnings. In return, the Fužinari (residents of Fužine) built for him the most beautiful and largest church in Gorski Kotar. Its bell tower dominates the entire area and serves as a landmark for travelers descending through the Vrata pass as they arrive in Fužine.

St. Anthony of Padua Guards Fužine

St. Anthony of Padua has been guarding Fužine for centuries. The church itself was built about 200 years ago. More precisely, it was constructed from 1808 to 1833 on the site where a chapel and the first Fužine cemetery once stood. The impressive size of the church is matched by its magnificent interior. The church is adorned with beautiful marble altars, valuable paintings, and crystal chandeliers. Frescoes inside were painted by the renowned Croatian artist Marko Antonini in the early 20th century.

In honor of St. Anthony, the Hotel and Restaurant Bitoraj named its most luxurious suite after him. Just as the church of Fužine’s patron saint dominates the Fužine panorama, this lavishly decorated suite represents the pinnacle of accommodation in this region.



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The Kauzlarić family has been creating the story of the Bitoraj restaurant and hotel for decades, following the tradition of the first pension in Fužina, Neda, opened way back in 1933.

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