Swimming spots in Gorski Kotar: Hidden gems of mountainous Croatia

Swimming spots in Gorski Kotar

Gorski Kotar, located between the Kvarner Bay and continental Croatia, is a true paradise for nature lovers. Its dense forests, mountains, lakes, and rivers provide the perfect environment for rest and escape from everyday stress. In addition to hiking and cycling, this landscape also offers wonderful bathing spots for summer refreshment. Below, we present an […]

The 4th Medun Fest takes place this weekend in Fužine

4. Medun Fest

For the fourth consecutive year, the sweet scents and flavors of forest honey are attracting local and foreign visitors to Fužine. The sweetest September festival will take place from September 2nd to 3rd in the picturesque village of Lič! Medun is a premium bee product characteristic of Gorski Kotar, created by diligent bees from honeydew. […]

Fužine is an ideal destination for summer holidays

Busy city life, crowds, and heat? Not in Fužine! When we think of a summer vacation, the first associations are usually beaches, sun, and sea. However, Gorski Kotar offers an equally refreshing alternative! With its mountain peaks, lush forests, and crystal-clear rivers, this part of Croatia provides an extraordinary vacation experience. It rightfully earns the […]

Easter in Fužine

Ušli smo u Veliki tjedan, razdoblje koje nas priprema na najveći kršćanski blagdan – Uskrs. Ova svetkovina po mnogočemu je značajna, a između ostalog simbolizira početak novog godišnjeg ciklusa, rađanje života i buđenje prirode. Ako pitate Gorane, mnogi će vam reći da su nakon duge i hladne zime s nestrpljenjem dočekali proljeće. Običaji goranskog kraja […]

Valentine’s Day in Bitoraj

Of all the saints celebrated throughout the year, one holds a special place in our hearts. Saint Valentine, the patron saint of lovers, lived in the 3rd century and was a bishop from the vicinity of Rome. It’s often mentioned that he had a special love for roses, which he would gift to betrothed couples […]

An unforgettable New Year’s Eve at the Bitoraj Hotel & Restaurant

In the idyllic setting of untouched Gorski Kotar nature, a family-run hotel and restaurant known for Gorski specialties and game delicacies have prepared exciting New Year’s arrangements for you to welcome the new year in style. Whether you’re bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the new year with a festive New Year’s Eve […]

Boar with jellyfish by Dino Galvagno – the star of Medun Fest

This year’s Medun Fest is a joyful and healthy festival held for the third consecutive year. As its name suggests, it promotes forest medun – an exceptionally high-quality bee product characteristic of Gorski Kotar. Preserving the importance, value, and authenticity of medun, this pure gift of nature, is the primary goal of this three-day event. […]

Interesting events await us in Fužine already at the beginning of September

After excellent tourism results, Interesting events await us in Fužine starting early September. Gorski Kotar can boast of outstanding tourism results. This year, it records a record number of overnight stays – a whopping 16% more compared to the pre-pandemic year of 2019. Fužine, along with an increased number of guest arrivals, also records longer […]

The nights are cool, and the destinations are close

Summer is in full swing. Heatwaves are bringing very high temperatures to Croatia, and almost all European countries, especially those in the Mediterranean, are facing the same challenge. Meteorological forecasts predict a long and (very) hot summer, so many people are looking for ways to escape the unbearable heat. Nights can be particularly uncomfortable when […]

Fužine – a top destination for all seasons

What do you think of when you hear “forests, mountains, lakes, walking, cycling, hiking, enjoying the snow, game dishes, blueberry strudel… “? If these terms remind you of Gorski Kotar, you’re probably right. Many people would also say that these words bring to mind Fužine, a picturesque Gorski town on the shores of Lake Bajer. […]

Nazovite hotel